Monthly Archives: Oct 2018

Human Resources Matrix Org Chart: Essential Points

Unlike traditional organizational chart structure, human resources matrix org chart has no direct boss at the top level but has several different projects happening at the same time for employees to report to different managers. Now, let’s find out more about the matrix type. Also, you may want to learn more about using a matrix org chart with more matrix org chart templates and examples.

Human Resources Matrix Org Chart – What Is It About?

Human resources matrix organizational charts have a chain of commands on each assignment-based level, encouraging team members to work cross-functionally to finish projects. Flexible changes can also be made when priorities shift in matrix organizational structure.

Here is an example of human resources matrix org chart: In reality, for a software development, different staffs from functional departments (e.g. UI design, Java, testers etc.) may report and be assigned by different projects, such as a mobile application or online versions.

  Human Resources Matrix Org Chart Template

Human resources matrix template (Click on image to enlarge it)

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