Organizational Chart Skills

Game Company Organizational Chart – Introduction & Sample

Nowadays, online gaming holds huge potential for developers as well as investors. Also, online gaming has become a major part of the entertainment industry. So what is the organization structure of such a lucrative industry?  The chart below indicates an overview of a game company structure.

According to the above organizational chart, the game company is basically divided into four departments – Development Department, Marketing Department, HR & Administration Department, and Finance Department. Each department has further divisions that decentralize the functions.

game company org chart

Development Department

The basic task of a development team is to follow the concept and blueprint of the game and to build the game from zero to one. The programming team undertakes the game technological development, such as system maintenance, functions adding and improvements, system security, and system supports. The art and game content design team are responsible for building a virtual world in the game. With 3D and 2D designers, concept artists, they create everything in the game world, from characters, actions and architectures to plots, tasks and levels and so on. All in all, the development team is to bring the concept to reality.

development team

Marketing Department

The major job of the marketing team is to bring the game to the public view. They are responsible for the sales income and brand awareness. Generally speaking, they make promotion, campaign, and activities on online or offline platforms to draw people’s attention and encourage them to play the game and pay for it. Also, the customer service team need to deal with the problems and collect the data information for the development team for better improvements.

operation team

HR & Administration Department

The administrative work can encompass a wide variety of duties, such as general office management, assisting an employer, answering phones, speaking with clients, clerical work (including maintaining records and entering data), or a variety of other tasks. And the HR responsibilities include recruiting new employees, maintaining benefits and payroll, mediating conflicts, engaging in training and development, and keeping up to date with tax laws and labor laws.

Finance Department

The functions of a finance department mainly include planning, organizing, auditing, accounting for and controlling its company’s finances. The finance department also usually produces the company’s financial statements. Here is the finance department org chart.

finance department

Wanna Create Your Own Organizational Chart?

This org chart how-to guide would help you start from the very beginning and end up with a beautiful Org Chart quickly. It uses Edraw Max which allows you to design whatever style you want based on your personal requirements, and with presentation quality results.

edraw max for org chart

Alternatively, you can try more advanced human resource management functions by free download the easy org chart software – OrgCharting.


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Work Breakdown Structure and Org Chart – Compare Key Points

If you explore the project management without prior experiences or doesn’t have enough time to check out all the points in this field, then you should firstly focus on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). You may be wondering “What does the WBS mean?” or “What are the key relationship between the traditional org chart and the work breakdown structure?” In today’s article, we will find out all the answers to these questions.

What is a Work Breakdown Structure?

Generally, the work breakdown structure is a foundational tool that helps managers to plan, organize, monitor and evaluate large projects. It usually starts with a big objective during the early stages of a project cycle, and then be broken down into smaller parts.

A sample WBS looks like the one below. You can clearly see the budget, progress, and name for each task:

work breakdown structure example

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Human Resources Matrix Org Chart: Essential Points

Unlike traditional organizational chart structure, human resources matrix org chart has no direct boss at the top level but has several different projects happening at the same time for employees to report to different managers. Now, let’s find out more about the matrix type. Also, you may want to learn more about using a matrix org chart with more matrix org chart templates and examples.

Human Resources Matrix Org Chart – What Is It About?

Human resources matrix organizational charts have a chain of commands on each assignment-based level, encouraging team members to work cross-functionally to finish projects. Flexible changes can also be made when priorities shift in matrix organizational structure.

Here is an example of human resources matrix org chart: In reality, for a software development, different staffs from functional departments (e.g. UI design, Java, testers etc.) may report and be assigned by different projects, such as a mobile application or online versions.

  Human Resources Matrix Org Chart Template

Human resources matrix template (Click on image to enlarge it)

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Types of Organizational Structure: Most Essential Ones for Your Business

Why We Need Different Types of Organizational Structure?

There may many answers to the question of how to successfully promote a brand, but effective types of organizational structure are the very basic determinants of such successes. A company with a well-structured framework would have a higher level of clarity and focus in terms of leadership, teamwork, and authority.

Most Essential Types of Organizational Structure

In reality, every business organization from a startup to the international enterprise has a specific organizational structure, but all of such types of organizational structure can be summarized as the following main formal categories. Each of them has both benefits and drawbacks, and may only work at sometimes depending on your company goals, organizational culture, salary structure and so on.


This type is also known as the bureaucratic organizational structure, which is mainly based on the specialty such as sales, finance, marketing teams and more. Each division has a manager or leader who oversees the overall department.

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The Non Hierarchical Organization: Advantages and How to Choose

An org chart shows an enterprise’s workflow and authority structure. Normally, organizations in the world can be categorized into hierarchical and non hierarchical ones. The hierarchical org chart type accounts for the majority of the worldwide corporate framework of business organizations, while a non hierarchical organization has fewer centralized authority with fewer management levels.

In the following example of a technology startup, each member in their own department has equal authority and power. Moreover, one member is selected from each department to collect and share info with other departments.

Non Hierarchical Organization chart example

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Nonprofit Org Chart: Definition & Key Points

What Is a Nonprofit Org Chart?

A nonprofit org chart shows the organizational structure for a nonprofit institution (NOP).  In reality, NOP parties are normally not driven by business profit, and such types are often used for trusts, cooperatives, charity and religious groups.

Nonprofit Org Chart Normal Structures

Here comes a template for a nonprofit organization. Overall, the sub-departments are in a similar pattern with profit organizational structures because you can clearly see the sections for Human Resources, Marketing, and development etc. However, there is a Fundraising Committee in the diagram below, which is different from commercial organizations.

nonprofit org chart template

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Flat Org Chart: What Is It About?

What Is a Flat Org Chart?

The flat type organizational structure, which is also called as the self-managed type, only has a few levels of management between general staff and managers. In other words, you would probably see a large number of employees or interns supervised by every single executive. Therefore, in such cases, department leaders in a flat org chart usually have more responsibility than a manager in a traditional hierarchical org chart. Moreover, the main purpose of the flat organizational structure is to empower employee.

Flat Org Framework Main Advantages

  • Reduce unnecessary layers of the managers in order to improve the coordination and productivity.
  • A quicker decision-making process among team members than those companies who have overloaded management positions.
  • Practice personal leadership in an ever more open and free working environment.
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ICS Org Chart: Knowing More about Incident Command System

ICS Org Chart: Basic Concept

An ICS org chart means the institutional structure of the Incident Command System. It is a standardized and effective managemental hierarchy to control and coordinate emergency events. ICS has now become one aspect of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for the American government.

You can see one of the ICS org chart templates below:

ics org chart template

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Startup Org Chart: Must Known Steps to Boom Productivity

You are telling people about your business since the minute you start creating the startup org chart. Traditionally, people use org charts to explain who works with whom in an organization. Furthermore, an effective startup org chart can really have a considerable impact on your business. So… just thinking about how to boom your productivity via org charts.

Startup Org Chart: What Is Your Business Type?

Product or Service-based Framework

This type usually has a number of products waiting for development. The shared divisions are all the same for each of the product team. The sub-departments of each product team are normally also the same. The type is used when each product features have a considerable difference in the development process.

product based Startup Org Chart

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How to Improve the Organizational Structure to Boost Your Sales

Just wondering when was the last time you pay attention to the effectiveness of your organizational structure? As your company grows, you will find the need to hire in response to immediate or narrow needs, your original design cannot meet the needs. It might be time to improve your company organization structure to make the company run effectively and smoothly.

Following article will share some ideas on how to enhance the company organizational structure with you.

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