Corporation Org Chart Example in Detail

Corporation Org Chart Example in Detail

This is an org chart example of an auto parts production corporation. From the chart we can see, the top management team is composed of a board of directors, director, president, vice president, chief financial officer, chief engineer and the expert group.

Corporation Org Chart

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Corporation Org Chart – Production Unit

For the production unit, both vice president of production and plant manager are responsible for the plant management, including the production control, production workshop, equipment workshop, encapsulation workshop, and general administration.

Corporation Org Chart Production

Marketing Unit in the Corporation Org Chart

From the org chart of the marketing unit we can see, the vice president of marketing is in charge of the marketing center and key accounts center, including logistics, overseas market, storehouse, E-business, OEM center, and 4S shops.

Corporation Org Chart Marketing

Engineering Department

In this chart, the chief engineer is responsible for the R&D center, engineering service, quality control, and the general engineer office.

Corporation Org Chart Engineer

Finance Department

This org chart shows the structure of the financial division. The chief financial officer is responsible for capital management, purchase accounting, production accounting, sales accounting, inventory accounting and internal audit.

Corporation Org Chart Finance

Administration Department

In this chart, the vice president of administration takes charge of HR, attendance management, administration and logistics, staff training and archives management.

Corporation Org Chart Admin

Marketing Service

In the marketing service org chart, the vice president of marketing service is responsible for customer service center and chain store management center.

Corporation Org Chart Marketing Service

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