Tag Archives: Matrix Org Chart

How to Change an Organizational Chart Layout Easily?

In reality, you may need to change your organizational structure according to the internal or external environment. In today’s article, we will show you how to change an organizational chart layout within a few clicks.

How to Change an Organizational Chart Layout?

The overall process is easy, just do the following steps:

Step 1 – Go to the Layout Function

Simply open this free download org chart creator, then click on the Layout button. A list of different types of organizational chart layouts will be shown on the drop-down menu. Here, we gonna take a sample to show you how it works.

How to Change an Organizational Chart Layout

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Human Resources Matrix Org Chart: Essential Points

Unlike traditional organizational chart structure, human resources matrix org chart has no direct boss at the top level but has several different projects happening at the same time for employees to report to different managers. Now, let’s find out more about the matrix type. Also, you may want to learn more about using a matrix org chart with more matrix org chart templates and examples.

Human Resources Matrix Org Chart – What Is It About?

Human resources matrix organizational charts have a chain of commands on each assignment-based level, encouraging team members to work cross-functionally to finish projects. Flexible changes can also be made when priorities shift in matrix organizational structure.

Here is an example of human resources matrix org chart: In reality, for a software development, different staffs from functional departments (e.g. UI design, Java, testers etc.) may report and be assigned by different projects, such as a mobile application or online versions.

  Human Resources Matrix Org Chart Template

Human resources matrix template (Click on image to enlarge it)

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Types of Organizational Structure: Most Essential Ones for Your Business

Why We Need Different Types of Organizational Structure?

There may many answers to the question of how to successfully promote a brand, but effective types of organizational structure are the very basic determinants of such successes. A company with a well-structured framework would have a higher level of clarity and focus in terms of leadership, teamwork, and authority.

Most Essential Types of Organizational Structure

In reality, every business organization from a startup to the international enterprise has a specific organizational structure, but all of such types of organizational structure can be summarized as the following main formal categories. Each of them has both benefits and drawbacks, and may only work at sometimes depending on your company goals, organizational culture, salary structure and so on.


This type is also known as the bureaucratic organizational structure, which is mainly based on the specialty such as sales, finance, marketing teams and more. Each division has a manager or leader who oversees the overall department.

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Advantages of Matrix Org Chart

A matrix org chart is one of the most complicated org charts a company can adopt but as well as the most useful one. This article is aimed to make a brief introduction to org chart mainly on definition and advantages. A matrix org chart is a very common organizational structure many companies follow especially the enterprise of the internet industry. It is formed with grid or matrix. Besides hierarchy, employees are divided into teams by projects, which means workers have dual reporting relationship-a functional manager and a project manager.

basic matrix chart template

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How to Create a Matrix Org Chart: A Full Guide for You

Matrix org chart is a type of diagram in which people are divided into levels by administrative power meanwhile workers can also be grouped by projects. Several people get involved in a project, forming the project team. And the whole company may consist of tens of project teams. There is no superiority or coordination between any two project team. Every team project is equal and independent.

The figure below is a good example of a matrix org chart. Next, I will show you how to make a matrix org chart with Org Chart Creator, which is professional software for creating org chart just as its name tells.

Matrix Org Chart Example



Matrix Org Chart

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The Function of Matrix Org Chart: Top Hidden Key Points

Matrix org chart is a type of organizational structure combined functional framework with projected one. In accordance with the Project Management Body of Knowledge, the level of authority project managers can own determines the strength of the matrix organization, to some extent.

Matrix Organizational Chart

Make Your Own Org Charts!

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Matrix Org Chart Example

Many project-based companies need to apply the matrix organizational structure as they need the responsive and effective participation of people from different functional units to finish a project.

Here presents a matrix org chart example for an electronic products company.

matrix org chart template

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Matrix Org Chart Templates

Matrix org chart has a double tunnel command system. It’s made up of functional departments and the project teams for temporary purposes. To make a quality matrix organizational chart, the easiest way is always starting from templates. Here we will introduce some nice-looking matrix organizational chart templates from Org Chart Creator.

Use our free matrix org chart templates to create and customize a matrix organizational chart for your business. This page offers several matrix org charts with different types and designs. Download Org Chart Creator and you will have these templates and even better ones. See how Org Chart Creator is great in making all kinds of org charts.

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General Introduction to Matrix Organizational Chart

Matrix organizational chart is composed of functional departments and the project teams for completing some temporary tasks. It’s a double tunnel command system. People have different roles and report to multiple managers. For example, when a project team wants to develop a new product, they will need to use personnel from the functional departments, such as engineering, research, and marketing. The personnel is under command of both the project team and their own departments.

General Introduction to Matrix Organizational Chart

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