SSA Org Chart: Check out the Insights of Social Security Admin

SSA Org Chart: Check out the Insights of Social Security Admin

The SSA org chart means the organizational structure of the United States Social Security Administration. It is an independent federal agency that aims to manage a wide range of aspects in social security such as social insurance, retirement, disability, and more. So far, the agency has a history of over one thousand years. You can quickly go through the outline of the SSA org chart below.

ssa org chart

SSA Org Chart Important Divisions

Currently, SSA has 10 regional offices, 8 processing centers, and nearly 1300 field offices. The total number of staff is over 60,000 people now. Here are three of the most important divisions and positions:

Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance, Quality, and Management (ODCBFQM)

The Office leads comprehensive SSA programs covering many topics like budget planning, acquisition and grants, supply management, emergency preparedness and so on. The Office also set policies and regulations for some other related financial management aspects.

Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Operations (ODCO)

The main duty of the Office is to manage operations installations in order to improve the operational effectiveness. More specifically, ODCO checks out regional operating projects and some other technical assessments and activities. Moreover, the Office explore user needs and analyze the implementations of SSA’s for the development of new operational systems.

Deputy Commissioner, Retirement and Disability Policy (ORDP)

This role in the SSA org chart offers professional suggestions on major social security issues. Besides, the Deputy Commissioner is responsible for all dominant programs about strategic planning, policy evaluation, statistical analysis and so on.

The Office of the Deputy Commissioner supports the overall process of policy proposals and daily data analysis. Furthermore, the Office leads and manages the planning, development, issuance, and evaluation of operational policies and instructions for many national insurance issues and legislative programs. The Office also cooperates with some other American federal departments, such as the Department of Treasury, for national insurance programs.

How to Create My Own SSA Org Chart?

Feel free to check out this easy Org chart creator guide for more info. Alternatively, feel free to use this easy org chart creator for more advanced settings and management of your business teams.

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